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Azure Face API, python SDK attribute url

I'm using the Python SDK snippet provided by Azure docs.


I want to return face attributes, The docs referenced here suggest that adding


To the Base URl will return age and gender attributes. It's throwing me an error, am I missing something?

This is my first time using Azure Face API.


  • We could use the follow code to get the returnFaceAttributes

    faces = CF.face.detect(img_url,attributes='age,gender')

    Whole demo code

    import cognitive_face as CF
    KEY = 'xxxxx'  # Replace with a valid subscription key (keeping the quotes in place).
    BASE_URL = 'https://{location}'  # Replace with your regional Base URL
    #You can use this example JPG or replace the URL below with your own URL to a JPEG image.
    img_url = ''
    faces = CF.face.detect(img_url,attributes='age,gender')

    Test Result:

    enter image description here