I have to create a file from a dataset that is JSON style but without CR between each variable. All variables have to be on the same line.
I would like to have something like that :
ID1 "key1"="value1" "key2"="value2" .....
Each key is a column of a dataset. I work this SAS 9.3 on UNIX.
Sample : I have
ID Name Sex Age
123 jerome M 30
345 william M 26
456 ingrid F 25`
I would like
123 "Name"="jerome" "sex"="M" "age"="30"
345 "Name"="william" "sex"="M" "age"="26"
456 "Name"="ingrid" "sex"="F" "age"="25"
Consider these non-transposing variations:
Actual JSON, use Proc JSON
data have;input
ID Name $ Sex $ Age; datalines;
123 jerome M 30
345 william M 26
456 ingrid F 25
filename out temp;
proc json out=out;
export have;
* What hath been wrought ?;
data _null_; infile out; input; put _infile_; run;
----- LOG -----
A concise name-value pair output of the variables using the PUT statement specification syntax (variable-list) (format-list), using _ALL_
for the variable list and =
for the format.
filename out2 temp;
data _null_;
set have;
file out2;
put (_all_) (=);
data _null_;
infile out2; input; put _infile_;
----- LOG -----
ID=123 Name=jerome Sex=M Age=30
ID=345 Name=william Sex=M Age=26
ID=456 Name=ingrid Sex=F Age=25
Iterate the variables using the VNEXT
routine. Extract the formatted values using VVALUEX
function, and conditionally construct the quoted name and value parts.
filename out3 temp;
data _null_;
set have;
file out3;
length _name_ $34 _value_ $32000;
do _n_ = 1 by 1;
call vnext(_name_);
if _name_ = "_name_" then leave;
if _n_ = 1
then _value_ = strip(vvaluex(_name_));
else _value_ = quote(strip(vvaluex(_name_)));
_name_ = quote(trim(_name_));
if _n_ = 1
then put _value_ @;
else put _name_ +(-1) '=' _value_ @;
data _null_;
infile out3; input; put _infile_;
----- LOG -----
123 "Name"="jerome" "Sex"="M" "Age"="30"
345 "Name"="william" "Sex"="M" "Age"="26"
456 "Name"="ingrid" "Sex"="F" "Age"="25"