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Is it necessary of Deploying a Hyperledger Composer blockchain business network to Hyperledger Fabric (multiple organizations)

I created a composer business network and successfully deployed in to the fabric network(Single organization) . The next step is deploying to the fabric network(Multiple organizations). I'm not understanding the purpose of deploying to Multiple organizations . Is it necessary to deploy the composer network into fabric Multiple organizations. Can any one help me from this confusion . Thanks in advance..


  • IMHO, The OP is asking "Why do I need to deploy to Multi-org fabric network", not how.

    While it is not required for you to deploy anything to a multi-organizational fabric network, typically in real-world scenarios you'd be mostly deploying to such a network structure.

    Enterprise Blockchain solutions typically are most useful when they are bringing together different organizations which do business together, and though they are co-operating with each other while doing so, they typically don't trust each other.

    Normally, in a non-blockchain scenario, these organizations would each have their own system of record keeping, and all business transactions would get entered into multiple independent record books. This creates all sorts of delays, dependencies and need for arbitration when one organization's records don't agree with the other organization's records.

    The blockchain becomes a single record for all these co-operating but untrusting organizations. All data entered in to the blockchain is first reviewed by all the organizations, and only after consensus is it entered into the records.

    This kind of setup is only possible using the multi-org network, with each peer hosting it's own peers that it trusts to review the transactions and perform consensus. THAT'S WHY you need this kind of setup in real-world scenarios.