So first things first is DateDiff() the way to go?
$date1 = strtotime(1766253900); // expiry date
$date2 = strtotime(1539652560); // todays date
$dtDiff = $date1 - $date2;
$totalDays = intval($dtDiff/(24*60*60));
echo $totalDays
I tried it this way but it is outputting 0 ZERO
Just remove strtotime as both dates are already UNIX timestamps i.e. number of seconds since 1970
$date1 = 1766253900; // expiry date
$date2 = 1539652560; // todays date
$dtDiff = $date1 - $date2;
$totalDays = intval($dtDiff/(24*60*60));
echo $totalDays