When using the factanal() function from the stats package in R using the promax rotation, you are given factor correlations.
tmp = cbind(rnorm(200,2,1.5),rnorm(200,2,1.5),rnorm(200,2,1.5),rnorm(200,2,1.5),rnorm(200,2,1.5),rnorm(200,2,1.5))
print(factanal(tmp, 3, rotation="promax"))
However, I can not seem to find how these correlations are calculated (no help in the R documentation). I also fail to recreate them myself using cor() on the factor scores.
I'm guessing it may be a polychoric correlation, but I can't be certain.
Its calculated using the following code which can be found here https://github.com/SurajGupta/r-source/blob/master/src/library/stats/R/factanal.R:
tmat <- solve(tmp$rotmat)
R <- tmat %*% t(tmat)