Going to make a short, reproducible example of an issue I am having that involves inserting data from R into a mongo database. It is challenging because, as you will see, I have a nested column of data. Fixing this is pivotal to my database, and i think is a problem that others could run into as well.
My Data:
my.data <- structure(list(`_id` = c(10138L, 9466L, 9390L), firstName = c("Alex", "Quincy", "Steven"), lastName = c("Abrines", "Acy", "Adams"),
birthCity = c("Palma de Mallorca", "Tyler, TX", "Rotorua"
), birthCountry = c("Spain", "USA", "New Zealand")), row.names = c(NA,
3L), class = "data.frame")
> nba_players
_id firstName lastName birthCity birthCountry
1 10138 Alex Abrines Palma de Mallorca Spain
2 9466 Quincy Acy Tyler, TX USA
3 9390 Steven Adams Rotorua New Zealand
inner.df <- structure(list(jerseyNumber = 40L, weight = 240L, age = 21L), class = "data.frame", row.names = 485L)
num.vector <- c(1,3,5,7)
My goal with the above is twofold:
that has the num.vector
as a 6th column to each row in my.data
... and here is the code that I use to do such:
# add a list of the numbers to inner df
inner.df$shotIDs = list(num.vector)
# create allmonths column (name of the row where inner.df's will be placed)
my.data <- my.data %>%
dplyr::mutate(allmonths = NA)
# convert allmonths into a column of class == list
my.data$allmonths[1] = list(placeholder = NA)
# For EACH row in my main my.data dataframe, add the inner.df to the allmonths column/key
for(i in 1:nrow(my.data)) {
my.data$allmonths[[i]] <- inner.df
# Write this to my mongo db
con <- mongolite::mongo(collection = 'mycoll', db = 'mydb', url = "myurl")
con$insert(my.data) # this is not a good way to update a db
Here is my result of this (showing from Robo 3T):
I am SO SO close with this, but for some reason allmonths
is a length-1 array, rather than its own object. If allmonths
were an object with 4 fields, with the exact same values as the object labeled [0], then this would be much better.
Does anybody see what's wrong in my attempt here. I'm sure this is a problem that others may have run into when working with nested objects in R! Any help is super appreciated!
To get the object { }
your allmonths
needs to be a column of type data.frame
, not list
Taking your example
my.data <- structure(list(`_id` = c(10138L, 9466L, 9390L), firstName = c("Alex", "Quincy", "Steven"), lastName = c("Abrines", "Acy", "Adams"),
birthCity = c("Palma de Mallorca", "Tyler, TX", "Rotorua"
), birthCountry = c("Spain", "USA", "New Zealand")), row.names = c(NA,
3L), class = "data.frame")
inner.df <- structure(list(jerseyNumber = 40L, weight = 240L, age = 21L), class = "data.frame", row.names = 485L)
num.vector <- c(1,3,5,7)
# add a list of the numbers to inner df
inner.df$shotIDs = list(num.vector)
If you now append your inner.df
as a column (having to repeat it because you need 3 rows to match to your my.data
my.data$allmonths <- inner.df[rep(1,3), ]
And then view the JSON it produces you see you get your allmonths: { }
substr( jsonlite::toJSON( my.data ), 1, 196 )
# [{"_id":10138,"firstName":"Alex","lastName":"Abrines","birthCity":"Palma de Mallorca","birthCountry":"Spain",
# "allmonths":{"jerseyNumber":40,"weight":240,"age":21,"shotIDs":[1,3,5,7],"_row":"485"}
# }
It's often helpful to construct the JSON you're after, then call fromJSON
to see the R structure you should be aiming for
js <- '
[{"_id":10138,"firstName":"Alex","lastName":"Abrines","birthCity":"Palma de Mallorca","birthCountry":"Spain","allmonths":{"jerseyNumber":40,"weight":240,"age":21,"shotIDs":[1,3,5,7],"_row":"485"}},{"_id":9466,"firstName":"Quincy","lastName":"Acy","birthCity":"Tyler, TX","birthCountry":"USA","allmonths":{"jerseyNumber":40,"weight":240,"age":21,"shotIDs":[1,3,5,7],"_row":"485.1"}},{"_id":9390,"firstName":"Steven","lastName":"Adams","birthCity":"Rotorua","birthCountry":"New Zealand","allmonths":{"jerseyNumber":40,"weight":240,"age":21,"shotIDs":[1,3,5,7],"_row":"485.2"}}]
str( jsonlite::fromJSON( js ) )
# 'data.frame': 3 obs. of 6 variables:
# $ _id : int 10138 9466 9390
# $ firstName : chr "Alex" "Quincy" "Steven"
# $ lastName : chr "Abrines" "Acy" "Adams"
# $ birthCity : chr "Palma de Mallorca" "Tyler, TX" "Rotorua"
# $ birthCountry: chr "Spain" "USA" "New Zealand"
# $ allmonths :'data.frame': 3 obs. of 4 variables:
# ..$ jerseyNumber: int 40 40 40
# ..$ weight : int 240 240 240
# ..$ age : int 21 21 21
# ..$ shotIDs :List of 3
# .. ..$ : int 1 3 5 7
# .. ..$ : int 1 3 5 7
# .. ..$ : int 1 3 5 7