Requirements I need to create a migration, for a live production database that does the following:
Current behaviour I tried this:
class AddFeature < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1]
def change
run_migration = true
Company.all.each do |organization|
Company.product_types_names.each { |type| run_migration &= Utterance.exists?("utter_#{type.to_s}", }
if run_migration
# my code
Although the changes to the database, don't occur I need the migration to stop with an error. Currently, the migration isn't stopped by any form of error when I an utterance doesn't exist.
Expected behavior
I would like to know how to simply return an error and stop the migration when one any of the instances don't exist. Something like this:
class AddFeature < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1]
def change
Company.all.each do |organization|
Company.product_types_names.each { |type| run_migration &= Utterance.exists?("utter_#{type.to_s}", }
# return_errors_and stop the app if validation false
# my code
Generally speaking, it is not recommended to write your custom code in Rails migrations. Migrations are for manipulations on database schema. You manipulate on data.
Answering your question: you can simply stop your migration by raising an exception, such as:
raise StandardError, "Invalid data"
In this case the migration will be stopped and not marked as completed (migration version won't be saved to schema_migrations
table in your database). On next call of rake db:migrate
it will try to run that migration again.