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Pairing Scatter Points with Lines Across Fill Condition of Violin Plot

Here is a data.frame with three subjects in a 2 by 2 design:

x<-data.frame("sub" = rep(c("sub1","sub2","sub3"),times=4),
          "cond1" = rep(c("A","B"),times=c(6,6)),
          "cond2" = rep(c("C","C","C","D","D","D"),times=2),
          "score" = c(6,5,4, 5,4,3, 4,3,2, 3,2,1))

Here is the split violin plot (for function,

dodge <- position_dodge(width=.5)
ggplot(x, aes(x=cond1, y=score, fill=cond2))+
  geom_split_violin(trim = F)+

2 by 2 split violin plot

What I would like to do is connect the individual subject scatter points with a line across the fill condition (e.g., sub1 in cond1 A and cond2 C will connect to sub1 in cond1 A and cond2 D). Does anyone know if this is possible?


  • Here's an approach. First, I spread the table so the beginning and end of geom_segment can be based on different columns. Then I convert the cond1 values to numeric (which is what ggplot does under the hood) and feed those into the x fields. The x dodge offset of 0.12 was manual, but there's probably a clever way (beyond my current understanding) to use the ggplot settings to determine that automatically.

    dodge <- position_dodge(width=.5)
    ggplot(x, aes(x=cond1, y=score, fill=cond2))+
      geom_split_violin(trim = F)+
      geom_point(shape=16,position=dodge) +
      geom_segment(data = x %>% spread(cond2, score),
                   aes(x    = as.numeric(cond1) - 0.12, 
                       xend = as.numeric(cond1) + 0.12,
                       y = C, yend = D), inherit.aes = FALSE, color = "black")

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