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How can i get Alexa Slot Value in ASK-SDK lambda function?

I want to access the slot value '{cityName}' in my Lambda Function. I am using ASK-SDK. What is the python code or syntax to do so?

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  • The above method is correct but it did not work for me.
    Another answer to the above question is as follows:

    item, is_resolved = util.get_intent_(slots=handler_input.request_envelope.request.intent.slots)

    and then define function get_intent_ as follows:

    import random
    import six
    from ask_sdk_core.handler_input import HandlerInput
    from ask_sdk_core.utils import is_request_type
    def get_intent_(slots):
        item = []
        resolved_item = None
        for _,slot in six.iteritems(slots):
            if slot.value is not None:
                resolved_item = slot.value
        if resolved_item is not None:
            return resolved_item, True
            return resolved_item, False

    This method looks complicated but it is a good practice to define a function and call it.