I need to use this table to get the probability from a given z value:
I'm sure there should be a better way to get those values on php but don't know how to calculate them. Any help would be very appreciated.
Table, I believe, is CDF of the normal distribution. I coded it using expression for error function approximation.
Code is untested!
function sgn( $x ) {
if ( $x < 0 )
return -1;
return 1;
function erf( $x ) {
$e = exp(-$x*$x);
$e2 = exp(-$x*$x*2);
$q = sqrt(pi())/2 + 31*$e/200 - 341*$e2/8000;
return 2*sgn($x)*sqrt(1-$e)*$q/sqrt(pi());
function CDF( $x ) {
return (1 + erf($x / sqrt(2))) / 2;
Here is quick (untested!) code to compute erf() with up to 4 terms
function erf( $x ) {
$e = exp(-$x*$x);
$t = 1.0 - $e;
$s = 1. + $t*(-1./12. + $t*(-7./480. + $t*( -5./896. +$t * (-787./276480.))));
return 2.*sgn($x)*sqrt($t)*$s/sqrt(pi());