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How to programmatically start/stop Metro Bundler

I'm trying to setup Continuous Integration for a React-Native project and run into some problems with the end to end testing, notably around the Metro bundler.

It seems that using the react-native script is not reliable in this case:

  • The iOS build spontaneously spawns a bundler in a new terminal and leaves it running after the build.
  • The Android build relies on a running instance which must be started manually beforehand.
  • The bundler can't be stopped by other means than signalling it (Ctrl+C or kill).
  • There's no synchronization with the build to ensure the bundler is ready to process when the app launches.

I would like to write a custom script that can start Metro, run the tests once the server is ready, and finally stop the server to cleanup the environment.


  • The metro bundler must run as a separate process to be able to serve requests. The way to do that is by using Child Process : Spawn and keep the returned object to properly cleanup.

    Here's a basic script that launches both Metro and Gradle in parallel and wait until both are ready based on their logging output.

    'use strict';
    const cp = require('child_process');
    const fs = require('fs');
    const readline = require('readline');
    // List of sub processes kept for proper cleanup
    const children = {};
    async function asyncPoint(ms, callback = () => {}) {
      return await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => {
      }, ms));
    async function fork(name, cmd, args, {readyRegex, timeout} = {}) {
      return new Promise((resolve) => {
        const close = () => {
          delete children[name];
        if(timeout) {
          setTimeout(() => close, timeout);
        const child = cp.spawn(
            silent: false,
            stdio: [null, 'pipe', 'pipe'],
        child.on('close', close);
        child.on('exit', close);
        child.on('error', close);
        const output = fs.createWriteStream(`./volatile-build-${name}.log`);
        const lineCb = (line) => {
          console.log(`[${name}] ${line}`);
          if (readyRegex && line.match(readyRegex)) {
          input: child.stdout,
        }).on('line', lineCb);
          input: child.stderr,
        }).on('line', lineCb);
        children[name] = child;
    async function sighandle() {
      Object.values(children).forEach(child => child.kill('SIGTERM'));
      await asyncPoint(1000);
    function setSigHandler() {
      process.on('SIGINT', sighandle);
      process.on('SIGTERM', sighandle);
    async function main() {
      // Metro Bundler
      const metroSync = fork(
        [ // args
        { // options
          readyRegex: /Loading dependency graph, done./,
          timeout: 60000,
      // Build APK
      const buildSync = fork(
        [ // args
        { // options
          readyRegex: /BUILD SUCCESSFUL/,
          timeout: 300000,
      if (await metroSync && await buildSync) {
        // TODO: Run tests here