I have Gatling version 3.0.0-RC4.
I have the following Gatling code
object Signup {
val feeder = csv("phones.csv").circular
var signup = tryMax(2) {
http("Get details")
.header(HttpHeaderNames.ContentType, HttpHeaderValues.ApplicationJson)
.header(HttpHeaderNames.Accept, HttpHeaderValues.ApplicationJson)
.header("Set-Cookie", "id=2")
"email": "rm@gmail.com",
"phone_number": "${phoneNumber}",
"first_name": "Rishi",
"last_name": "Mukherjee",
"pin": "1234",
In the line, jsonPath("$.otp_data.otp_uuid").saveAs("OTPUUID")
, if I replace that with status.is(200)
, the code runs just fine. But, with this line, on running the program, it freezes and keeps showing the following
2018-10-12 17:36:11 5s elapsed
---- Requests ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Global (OK=1 KO=0 )
> Get details (OK=1 KO=0 )
---- Signup -------------------------------------------------------------
[--------------------------------------------------------------------------] 0%
waiting: 0 / active: 1 / done: 0
Problem is, I do not get any error or anything that will be helpful to debug. In fact this also happens when I run the included example AdvancedSimulationStep03.scala
. What can be the issue or is there anything I may be missing?
So, I had JDK 11. The docs say I should have had JDK 8. Switched to JDK 8 and it got fixed.
Hopefully helps anyone else if they get stuck.