I am trying to do the following on Windows Command Line:
gpresult /Scope User /v
Gets the results of the current user group policies set, then using a command such as ping or timeout, create a delay and then execute
findstr "ScreenSaveActive"
I have tried to do the following, for example, trying to accomplish the above but have been unsuccessful:
gpresult /Scope User /v | timeout /t 5 /nobreak | findstr "ScreenSaveActive"
This is easier done in Powershell with a command such as:
gpresult /Scope User /v | out-string -stream | select-string "ScreenSaveActive"
And you could run it from cmd like:
Powershell -Command "gpresult /Scope User /v | out-string -stream | select-string 'ScreenSaveActive'"