I have a piece of code that is meant to duplicate a record when executed but instead it is creating a blank record.
I have managed to track the bug to the array I was using to hold the field values from the old record. It seems that when .AddNew
was run the array holding the values would change all its values to match this new record, in other words making them all null
or 0
Here is the code I am using:
With rs1
Do Until .EOF
rs2.FindFirst "ItemID = " & !ItemID
rs2!ItemQuantity = rs2!ItemQuantity - !OrderQuantity
TempArray = Array(rs2!ItemCode, rs2![Dia/Size], rs2!ItemType, rs2!Description, rs2!ItemAdded, rs2!ItemSaleValue, rs2!ItemBuyValue, rs2!ItemLocation, rs2!ItemCondition, rs2!ItemOrigin, rs2!ItemOriginDescription, rs2!ItemHistory)
rs2!ItemCode = TempArray(0)
rs2![Dia/Size] = TempArray(1)
rs2!ItemType = TempArray(2)
rs2!Description = TempArray(3)
rs2!ItemAdded = TempArray(4)
rs2!ItemSaleValue = TempArray(5)
rs2!ItemBuyValue = TempArray(6)
rs2!ItemLocation = TempArray(7)
rs2!ItemCondition = TempArray(8)
rs2!ItemOrigin = TempArray(9)
rs2!ItemOriginDescription = TempArray(10)
rs2!ItemHistory = TempArray(11)
rs2!ItemBooked = True
rs2!ItemBookedBy = Me.OrderBy
rs2!ItemBookedWhen = Now()
rs2!ItemBookedNote = Me.OrderID
End With
Here is where the record-sets reference to:
is the array I'm having trouble with so if someone could point out a way to stop it changing or a better way to do this it would be much appreciated.
This is a common mistake. You are adding the recordset's field objects to the array instead of the recordset field values.
Here is the code fix:
TempArray = Array(rs2!ItemCode.Value, rs2![Dia/Size].Value, rs2!ItemType.Value, rs2!Description.Value, rs2!ItemAdded.Value, rs2!ItemSaleValue.Value, rs2!ItemBuyValue.Value, rs2!ItemLocation.Value, rs2!ItemCondition.Value, rs2!ItemOrigin.Value, rs2!ItemOriginDescription, rs2!ItemHistory.Value)