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(VHDL) Write a double flip flop to resolve meta stability associated with asynchronous input data


I'm new to VHDL and trying to understand how to code a double flip flop to handle metastability associated with a user pressing a button on my fpga board (Cyclone V). I understand the logic behind using a double flip flop to stabilize the data, but unsure how to implement in VHDL.(Sources: related StackOverflow question, eetimes article)


I'm not sure how to code the double flip flop (see my attempt below). Can someone please provide sample code that shows a working double flip flop?

Example code of my attempt at a double flip flop

--input is std_logic;
input <= key(0) -- user pressed key =1, key can be pressed and held

   signal inputFF : std_logic;
   if rising_edge(clock) then
      inputFF<= input;
      if input = '1' and inputFF = '1' then
          -- enter if-statement: user pressed the key and the data was 
          -- synchronized by going through a double flip flop?
      end if;
   end if;
end process;

My thoughts: I'm not sure if the if-statement is acting as a double flip flop or not. I pass the input to the inputFF on the rising_edge and then check if the input and inputFF are equal to 1.


  • Here's one flip-flip:

    process (clock)
       if rising_edge(clock) then
          inputFF <= input;
       end if;
    end process;

    Here's another:

    process (clock)
       if rising_edge(clock) then
          inputFF2 <= inputFF;
       end if;
    end process;

    Most people would save some lines of code by combining them like this:

    process (clock)
       if rising_edge(clock) then
          inputFF  <= input;
          inputFF2 <= inputFF;
       end if;
    end process;

    The only safe signal to use is inputFF2. So, if you want to delay that further (for example to detect an edge on it) then you'll need more flip-flops.