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Is it possible to customize / configure the signing process?

I would like actually to be able to do some modifications on the layout we receive once we get

enter image description here

So there I would like to remove :

  • the whole 'other actions' button/menu

  • the whole block with css class: 'title', 'id-card', 'image', 'information'

  • removing the padding of the body to get the document a little higher (in place of the above information block)

Is there a way to give parameters to get a custom layout for this session, or we have to do 'dirty things' in order to remove those elements from the DOM after we loaded it from the url ?

Thanks !

Edit: Actually we are not allowed to access the elements of the received frame: enter image description here

Remaining only query strings options ?


  • The whole options are there:

    It is in the admin menu, under 'Brands' menu, and you need to 'edit' an existing label in order to access the ressource file management :)