Starting to use the vue cli 3 and ran into a use-case I can't seem to find an answer for.
How can I set an environment variable via a .env file (ie, .env.development, .env.production, etc) that exposes a JSON object? Additionally, is there a way to load an external files contents into an environment variable (i.e., require)?
Appreciate the assistance!
I came up with a solution to solve my own issue...
Although the previous answers are viable I didn't want to have to JSON.parse every time I wanted to use the JSON in the environment variable.
The approach I took was to store in each environment-specific file (i.e., .env-development, .env-production, .env-test) a file path to a file containing the JSON. For example...
This file would contain the raw JSON...
Then in my vue.config.js I used the webpack DefinePlugin to load up the file and make it available via a global variable. For example...
new webpack.DefinePlugin({
VUE_APP_JSON: JSON.stringify(process.env.VUE_APP_JSON_FILE)
Defining the new variable will make the json available as an object where throughout my app I can simply reference This saves me from having to JSON.parse the variable all throughout my app.