Search code examples

Swift 4 - Filtering Array with Array

I have a list of entries, that have an id, and I want to filter them down to ones that have an matching one of the ids in selectedIDs. Is there a way to do this with filter or do I have to use a for loop?

struct Entry {
    let id: String
var allEntries = [Entry]()
var selectedIDs = [String]


allEntries = [Entry(id: "1"), Entry(id:"2"), Entry(id:"3"), Entry(id:"4")]
selectedIDs = ["1", "3"]

// return selectedEntries
var selectedEntries = [Entry(id: "1"), Entry(id: "3")]


  • There's nothing wrong with Rakesha Shastri's answer. For performance reasons, you may want to make selectedIDs a Set instead of an Array:

    let allEntries = [Entry(id: "1"), Entry(id:"2"), Entry(id:"3"), Entry(id:"4")]
    let selectedIDs: Set<String> = ["1", "3"]
    let selectedEntries = allEntries.filter({ selectedIDs.contains($ })

    The reason is that searching an Array has a computational complexity of O(n) where n is the length of the array, while searching a Set (i.e. a hash table) is O(1) on average.

    • If you keep selectedIDs as array, the overall solution has a complexity of O(n * m) where n and m are the lengths of selectedIDs and allEntries, respectively.

    • If you use Set, the overall complexity reduces to O(m).

    Having said that, your example is too trivial for either methods to make a difference.