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Key binding of custom snippet in vscode?

VS code: 1.28.1

Mac OS High Sierra 10.13.6

I have created a custom snippet to add interpolation in HTML file. it works fine when using F1 >insert snippet way But I need to add keybinding so that it works with keyboards. here what I have done but it does not work.

create a snippet with help of vs code tutorial

  "interpolate": {
    "prefix": "inter",
    "body": ["{{ ${CLIPBOARD} |json }}"],
    "description": "Interpolate this"

Now I need to bind with the key shortcut and add this in keybindings.json

    "key": "shift+cmd+i",
    "command": "editor.action.interpolate",
    "when": "editorTextFocus",
    "args": {
      "langId": "html",
      "name": "interpolate"

But whenever I hit Cmd+Shift+I. throw error

"command 'editor.action.interpolate' not found

What I am doing wrong here?


  • find the solution, we need to add the value of name in keybindings.json same as the key of user snippet file html.json


      "interpolate": { // this is the name of snippet
        "prefix": "inter",
        "body": ["{{ ${CLIPBOARD} |json }}"],
        "description": "Interpolate this"


        "key": "shift+cmd+I",
        "command": "editor.action.insertSnippet",
        "when": "editorTextFocus",
        "args": {
          "langId": "html",
          "name": "interpolate" << same as name of snippet