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handle front-end large scale project in laravel

our Team, work with laravel and we want to start a large scale project. The front-end project will be written with Html Css Bootstrap jquery Sass and we task runner is Gulp

How will our project directory be? sass directories and my file and images Where do they go?


  • You can use Laravel Mix to compile CSS and JavaScript pre-processors. So you will store all your assets into resources/assets folder.

    Laravel Mix provides a fluent API for defining webpack build steps for your application using several common CSS and JavaScript pre-processors.

    To use laravel mix you have to first install node and npm.

    Then create files app.js and app.scss in resources/app/sass directory and resources/sass respectively. Then open webpack.mix.js file which will be on your project root write the following code in webpack.mix.js file

    In webpack.mix.js file (you can see this file at your project root directory)

    mix.js('resources/js/app.js', 'public/js')
       .sass('resources/sass/app.scss', 'public/css');

    Now let's see what is the meaning of above two lines?

    mix.js('resources/assets/js/app.js', 'public/js') says to read app.js contents (which is stored in resources/js directory), pull them and put them up in public/js after mixing them up.

    Same is for mix.sass. Since it is using SAAS compatible so you may use CSS or SAAS based syntax to define your layouts. Webpack compiled them to a single CSS anyway. Now in master.blade.php, all you have to make these two calls for JS and CSS resources respectively:

    <script src="{!! asset('js/app.js') !!}"></script>


    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{!! asset('css/app.css') !!}">

    Now run npm run dev command. It will compile your CSS and JS files and put the build inside a public folder.

    For detail explanation you can check