How can I rewrite meta title and description in Wordpress using child theme functions.php?
I want to rewrite it only on main blog page (for example:, where I have listed all articles.
The problem is that the main theme already adds title and description to blog page. So I need to remove them first and then add custom ones.
Thank you very much for your help.
First off, WordPress does not add a <meta name=decription>
tag. That is usually done by a seo plugin like Yoast, therefor the method for overriding it differ per plugin. Or theme.
You might be a able to change these texts in the wp-admin settings, again depending on the plugin/theme.
The title you should be able to change using this example:
function SO_52811727_wp_title($title) {
// see for more options
if ( is_archive() ){
$title = 'custom title';
return $title;
add_filter('wp_title', 'SO_52811727_wp_title', 100);