First of all, I have been started to studying the C# from 8 months ago and I'm not good at English. So I'm sorry if I say something that you cannot understand.
Now, I'm developing the application with C# that get percentage of CPU usage. I want to get CPU usage that all of Cores every one sec. Then I used the PerformanceCounter Class and Processor Category. This is code I wrote.
private void GetCpuUsageEvery1sec(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
int getValue = 0;
mProcessorCount = Environment.ProcessorCount;
mPerformanceCounter.CategoryName = "Processor";
mPerformanceCounter.CounterName = "% Processor Time";
mPerformanceCounter.InstanceName = "_TOTAL";
getValue = (int)Math.Truncate(mPerformanceCounter.NextValue());
mProcessorCpuUsage[mProcessorCount] = getValue; //I set TOTAL's usage in last of Array
Console.WriteLine("Core:TOTAL {0}%", mProcessorCpuUsage[mProcessorCount]);
for (int count = 0; count < mProcessorCount; count++)
mPerformanceCounter.InstanceName = count.ToString(); //this code is case
getValue = (int)Math.Truncate(mPerformanceCounter.NextValue());
mProcessorCpuUsage[count] = getValue;
Console.WriteLine("Core:{0} {1}%", count, mProcessorCpuUsage[count]);
I wrote the Method with Timer Class that start GetCpuUsageEvery1sec Method as Event, too.
However, in the Processor category (or Processor Time Counter), this counter throw 0 if I change the InstanceName. So, I cannot get only 0 if I do the Method with Timer Class.
I think that if I want to get a correct CPU usage, I should make instances same at number of Core. (And many of user will use this application. So I cannot specify the number of Core in advance.)
In this situation, I cannot get other solution?
I'd advice you to use the WMI query:
ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher("select * from Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_Processor");
var cpuTimes = searcher.Get()
.Select(mo => new
Name = mo["Name"],
Usage = mo["PercentProcessorTime"]
Hook this one up with a timer and you'll be settled good, it is better then using a for
loop for every core.