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Dectecting template methods with SFINAE

I have a simple trait struct hasMemberSerialize that I am trying to use to determine if any given class is compatible with callSerialize(). The struct looks like so:

template<typename Type, typename ArchiveType>
struct hasMemberSerialize {
    template<typename T, typename A>
    static auto test(int) -> decltype(Serialization::access::callSerialize(std::declval<A&>(), std::declval<T&>()), std::true_type);

    template<typename, typename>
    static std::false_type test(...);

    static const bool value = std::is_same<decltype(test<Type, ArchiveType>(0)), std::true_type>::value;

This compiles and runs fine, however, my hasMemberSerialize::value is always std::false_type. I've used a similar approach to check for non-template methods; however, the callSerialize() method I am checking looks something like:

template<typename Archive, typename Type>
static auto callSerialize(Archive& a, Type& t) -> decltype(t.serialize(a)) {
    // Implementation

I did some tests using std::cout like so:

Serialization::access::callSerialize(JSON, myType);

std::cout << std::boolalpha
    << hasMemberSerialize<MyType, JSONOutputArchive>::value << std::endl;

The method call callSerialize(JSON, myType) works as expected and serializes the type; however, hasMemberSerialize::value prints false. finally, myType is a simple test class:

class MyType {
    int myInt;

    MyType() : myInt(4) {}

    template<typename Archive>
    void serialize(Archive& a) {


MyType myType;


  • As you have discovered, the problem was that you have to use std::true_type{}, with ending curly brackets, at the end of decltype()


    decltype( <other elements>, std::true_type )

    is wrong, and gives an error, where

    decltype( <other elements>, std::true_type{} )
    // .......................................^^


    The point is that decltype() return the type given an entity (a variable, a constant, etc.) or an expression of that type; so (by example) given decltype(3), you get int.

    If you write

    decltype( std::true_type )

    you ask for the type of a type, and this is wrong.

    If you write

    decltype( std::true_type{} )

    you ask for the type of an element (std::true_type{}) of type std::true_type; this is correct and you get std::true_type.

    I suggest another way:

    decltype( std::declval<std::true_type>() )

    where std::declval() is a standard template function (only declared, but is enough for decltype() that return an element of the template type received.

    So std::declval<std::true_type>() is an expression of type std::true_type and decltype() return, obviously, std::true_type.

    In case of a type that is default constructible, you can create an entity of that type simply adding a couple of curly brackets at the end of the type name. But when a type isn't default constructible, you can't solve this why.

    With std::declval() you get an expression of given type also when that type isn't default constructible.

    In case of std::true_type you can solve in both way, but I suggest to use ever std::declval() anyway.