Here is an excerpt from my pandas DataFrame:
df =
TransactionId Value AuthenticationId
1214050 8243.12 AE19D686
NaN 8243.12 AE19D686
NaN 8243.12 AE19D686
NaN 8243.12 AE19D686
NaN 8243.12 AE19D686
1214050 8243.12 AE19D686
I want to backfill any NaN values that meet the condition that the current valid (i.e. not NaN) TransactionId is equal to the previous valid value (first row in the df).
You can check if ffill
and bfill
are consistent, then apply back-filling conditionally via pd.DataFrame.loc
bfilled = df['TransactionId'].bfill()
df.loc[df['TransactionId'].ffill() == bfilled, 'TransactionId'] = bfilled