So I have a csv file with three variables 'Team 1' 'Team 2' and 'Winner.' I want to create an adjacency matrix that has rownames=colnames. Is there any way to get this done? This is what I want:
A 0 2 1
B 1 0 3
C 2 4 0
So this particular matrix would indicate that A won from B 1 time and B from A 2 times and so on. The rownames indicate the winners.
For example, if my data looks like this:
Team A Team B Winner
Germany Argentina Germany
Croatia Germany Croatia
Argentina Croatia Argentina
would give the matrix
Germany Argentina Croatia
Germany 0 0 1
Argentina 1 0 0
Croatia 0 1 0
My code
data = as.matrix(read.csv("data.csv"))
labels = unique(c(data[,1],data[,2]))
A = matrix(0, length(labels),length(labels))
rownames(A) = colnames(A) <- labels
This creates the adjacency matrix, but how do I fill it in?
You could use table
to pull out the results.
First, you may want to set common levels for all teams
lvs <- sort(as.character(unique(unlist(d))))
d[] <- lapply(d, factor, levels=lvs)
Then table
the data
res <- table(d[c("Team.A", "Winner")]) + table(d[c("Team.B", "Winner")])
diag(res) <- 0
# Winner
# Team.A Argentina Croatia Germany
# Argentina 0 0 1
# Croatia 1 0 0
# Germany 0 1 0
If you want a specific order, you could set the variables to factor before using table
, or you can change the order after
vars <- c("Germany", "Argentina","Croatia")
res[vars, vars]
d <- read.table(header=T, text="'Team A' 'Team B' Winner
Germany Argentina Germany
Croatia Germany Croatia
Argentina Croatia Argentina")