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SPARQLWrapper QueryBadFormed error for long SELECT query

Is there a limit on the size of the query you can use with with a SELECT query? I have a long SELECT query (posted below) that keeps throwing a QueryBadFormed error. I have validated the query on and I have ran the query on the triple store. I am using GraphDB 8.6 SE. The query runs fine.


from SPARQLWrapper import SPARQLWrapper, SPARQLWrapper2, JSON,  CSV, TSV

# set endpoint and query
endpoint = r"http://localhost:7200/repositories/EDR"
query = get_dental_procedures_query()  # return query below

# get results from endpoint
sparql = SPARQLWrapper(endpoint)
setReturnFormat(JSON)  # I've also tried CSV and TSV
results = sparql.query().convert()

Error returned:

SPARQLWrapper.SPARQLExceptions.QueryBadFormed: QueryBadFormed: a bad request has been sent to the endpoint, probably the sparql query is bad formed.

Here is the query:

BASE    <>
PREFIX  mesial_surface: <>
PREFIX  exception: <>
PREFIX  ada_num: <>
PREFIX  occurrence_date: <>
PREFIX  owl:  <>
PREFIX  resin_filling_proc: <>
PREFIX  birth_date: <>
PREFIX  restored_buccal: <>
PREFIX  caries_finding: <>
PREFIX  dental_finding: <>
PREFIX  molar: <>
PREFIX  male_gender_role: <>
PREFIX  endodontically_restored_tooth: <>
PREFIX  root_canal_treatment: <>
PREFIX  has_part: <>
PREFIX  gender_role: <>
PREFIX  part_of: <>
PREFIX  inheres_in: <>
PREFIX  missing_tooth_finding: <>
PREFIX  pbrn_id: <>
PREFIX  distal_surface: <>
PREFIX  has_output: <>
PREFIX  occlusal_surface: <>
PREFIX  incisor: <>
PREFIX  graph: <>
PREFIX  patient_role: <>
PREFIX  anterior_tooth: <>
PREFIX  resin: <>
PREFIX  restored_lingual: <>
PREFIX  dental_proc: <>
PREFIX  restored_surface: <>
PREFIX  extracoronally_restored_tooth: <>
PREFIX  lingual_surface: <>
PREFIX  dentition: <>
PREFIX  sesame: <>
PREFIX  lesion: <>
PREFIX  labial_surface: <>
PREFIX  has_input: <>
PREFIX  posterior_tooth: <>
PREFIX  extraction_proc: <>
PREFIX  xsd:  <>
PREFIX  rdfs: <>
PREFIX  restored_occlusal: <>
PREFIX  is_about: <>
PREFIX  restored_labial: <>
PREFIX  coronally_restored_tooth: <>
PREFIX  patient: <>
PREFIX  prop: <>
PREFIX  restoration_proc: <>
PREFIX  last_visit_date: <>
PREFIX  tooth: <>
PREFIX  intracoronally_restored_tooth: <>
PREFIX  bearer_of: <>
PREFIX  first_visit_date: <>
PREFIX  surgically_modified_tooth: <>
PREFIX  canine: <>
PREFIX  facial_surface: <>
PREFIX  restored_distal: <>
PREFIX  premolar: <>
PREFIX  restored_tooth: <>
PREFIX  restored_facial: <>
PREFIX  material: <>
PREFIX  missing_tooth_num: <>
PREFIX  buccal_surface: <>
PREFIX  realizes: <>
PREFIX  female_gender_role: <>
PREFIX  restored_mesial: <>
PREFIX  restored_incisal: <>
PREFIX  visit: <>
PREFIX  obo:  <>
PREFIX  incisal_surface: <>

SELECT DISTINCT  ?practice ?patient_id ?gender ?dob ?first_visit ?last_visit ?tooth_id ?tooth_num ?first_PCR ?first_RCT ?event_name ?ada_code ?event_date ?extract_date ?missing_date (if(bound(?surface_m), 1, 0) AS ?m) (if(bound(?surface_o), 1, 0) AS ?o) (if(bound(?surface_d), 1, 0) AS ?d) (if(bound(?surface_b), 1, 0) AS ?b) (if(bound(?surface_l), 1, 0) AS ?l) (if(bound(?surface_f), 1, 0) AS ?f) (if(bound(?surface_incisal), 1, 0) AS ?i)
  { ?patient_i  a                   patient: ;
          birth_date:           ?dob ;
          pbrn_id:              ?pbrn_id
      { ?gender_t  rdfs:subClassOf   male_gender_role: ;
                rdfs:label         ?gender_name .
        ?gender_i  sesame:directType  ?gender_t ;
                inheres_in:        ?patient_i
  ?patient_i  first_visit_date:  ?first_visit ;
          last_visit_date:   ?last_visit .
  ?tooth_t  rdfs:subClassOf    tooth: ;
          ada_num:           ?ada_num .
  ?tooth_i  sesame:directType  ?tooth_t
    { ?tooth_i  prop:first_PCR_date  ?first_PCR }
    { ?tooth_i  prop:first_RCT_date  ?first_RCT }
    { ?tooth_i  prop:extraction_date  ?extract_date }
      { ?tooth_i  prop:missing_tooth_finding_date  ?missing_date }
  ?event_t  rdfs:subClassOf    dental_proc: ;
            rdfs:label         ?event_name .
  ?event_i  sesame:directType  ?event_t ;
            has_input:         ?patient_i ;
            has_output:        ?tooth_i ;
            occurrence_date:   ?event_date ;
            prop:ada_code      ?ada_code
    { ?event_i  has_output:        ?surface_m .
      ?surface_m  sesame:directType  restored_mesial: ;
              part_of:           ?tooth_i
    { ?event_i  has_output:        ?surface_o .
      ?surface_o  sesame:directType  restored_occlusal: ;
              part_of:           ?tooth_i
    { ?event_i  has_output:        ?surface_d .
    ?surface_d  sesame:directType  restored_distal: ;
              part_of:           ?tooth_i
    { ?event_i  has_output:        ?surface_b .
      ?surface_b  sesame:directType  restored_buccal: ;
              part_of:           ?tooth_i
  { ?event_i  has_output:        ?surface_l .
    ?surface_l  sesame:directType  restored_lingual: ;
              part_of:           ?tooth_i
    { ?event_i  has_output:        ?surface_f .
      ?surface_f  sesame:directType  restored_facial: ;
              part_of:           ?tooth_i
    { ?event_i  has_output:        ?surface_incisal .
              sesame:directType  restored_incisal: ;
              part_of:           ?tooth_i
  BIND(strafter(str(?tooth_i), "tooth/") AS ?tooth_id)
  BIND(strafter(str(?patient_i), "patient/") AS ?patient_id)
  BIND(strbefore(str(?gender_name), " ") AS ?gender)
  BIND(strafter(str(?ada_num), "Tooth ") AS ?tooth_num)
  BIND(strafter(str(?pbrn_id), "NDPBRN practice ") AS ?practice)
limit 5


  • Use the POST HTTP method for long queries:


    More info:

    In your case, limitation appears to be urllib2-related. It also seems that the above approach shouldn't work with SPARQLWrapper2().