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Converting from java ArrayList obtained from unwrapped() to Scala list

Lang : SCALA
I have one map defined in my properties files as:

dummy {
  "Key1" : ["value1","value2", "value3"]
  "Key2" : ["Hi1", "Hi2"]
  "Key3" : ["Bye1"]

Now, I could find entryset for above map and fill it in scala's map as:

var configTrialMap: Config = config.getConfig("dummy")
val resMap = mutable.Map[String, List[String]]()
for (entry <- configTrialMap.entrySet.asScala) {
    resMap.put(entry.getKey, entry.getValue.unwrapped().toString.split(",").map(_.trim).toList)

But problem is this code looks clumsy and I have to put some regex to replace all [, ] with blank character

I have seen some solutions to convert java collection to scala one but none of them seem to be working since unwrapped() return an Object instance and I have to cast it first.

I have tried playing with:

  1. asScalaBuffer (

  2. val javaToScalaList = entry.getValue.unwrapped().asInstanceOf[List[String]]

  3. .asScala.toList

Sorry, if it is too naive. I am new to scala.


  • You can do:

      import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
      import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
      //load config into configTrialMap
      .map(k => {
        val k2 = k.replaceAll("\\.", "\".\"")  //quote all the dots in key
        ("dummy."+k2, configTrialMap.getStringList(s"dummy." + k2).asScala.toList)

    which results in:

    scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,List[String]] = Map(dummy.U"."S"." Sample -> List(Bye1), dummy.Key2 -> List(Hi1, Hi2), dummy.Key1 -> List(value1, value2, value3))

    EDIT: (to add regex replacement to fix paths with dots)

    To handle dots in keys, you need to quote them using " character. I have updated the answer with a regex that does this.