I am having issues with Charles App with browser-sync. The only way I can get browser-sync to work is to toggle charles off reload a page and turn it back on to carry on working.
Charles has command line options. Does anyone know the command to toggle the macOS proxy on and off? I want to able to automate this sort of thing
When you enable or disable the macOS proxy in the Charles application, the application modifies the HTTP and HTTPS proxy configurations available on the System Preferences > Network > Advanced > Proxies tab.
You can change these settings by using networksetup
First, display the list of available network adapters:
networksetup -listallnetworkservices
To configure and enable the localhost as HTTP and HTTPS proxies:
networksetup -setwebproxy "Wi-fi" 8888
networksetup -setsecurewebproxy "Wi-fi" 8888
To disable the HTTP and HTTPS proxies:
networksetup -setwebproxystate "Wi-fi" off
networksetup -setsecurewebproxystate "Wi-fi" off
To display proxy configurations:
networksetup -getwebproxy "Wi-Fi"
networksetup -getsecurewebproxy "Wi-Fi"
Check out the help for further options:
networksetup -help