I was trying to redeploy my react app on firebase after fixing some issues. But redeploying is giving errors. Not sure what the problem is.
I also tried to look into the answers provided in other posts but nothing worked for me.
firebase.json details below:
"hosting": {
"public": "build",
"ignore": [
"rewrites": [{
"source": "**",
"destination": "/index.html",
"headers": [{
"key": "Cache-Control",
"value": "max-age=0"
Error: HTTP Error: 400, hosting.rewrites[0] is not exactly one from [subschema 0],[subschema 1]
This is the first time I have come across this error. So no idea what the problem is.
Headers options look line inside of rewrites
parameters. instead, you need to move out as:
"hosting": {
"public": "build",
"ignore": [
"rewrites": [{
"source": "**",
"destination": "/index.html"
"headers": [{
"key": "Cache-Control",
"value": "max-age=0"