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Custom action method not working in ng2 smarttable

I am trying to add custom action "Copy" in Ng2SmartTable Grid. I am facing issue with click event handler of custom action. There are 3 buttons in grid Edit,Delete,Copy. Edit ,Delete is working fine. But 'Copy' method is not getting fired onclick of copy button.

Grid.component.html code

  <ng2-smart-table [settings]="settings" (custom)="onCustom($event)" [source]="source" (edit)="onEdit($event)" (delete)="onDelete($event)"></ng2-smart-table>

OnEdit ,OnDelete working fine But OnCustom not working.

Grid.component.ts file code for settings for ng2smarttable.

  mode: 'external',
    actions: {
        add: false,
       custom: [{
            name: 'copy', title: 'Copy'

onCustom method not working at all.


  • There must be an issue with the function in your component, the code you have shared in your question is setup correctly and works in this stackblitz.

    Please note: when the copy button is clicked the event is passed to the onCustom function in the app.component.ts and logs the event in the console.