I looking at the docs on the NGXS official page: https://ngxs.gitbook.io/ngxs/concepts/select#meta-selectors
I want to retrieve the state of multiple states therefore have to use their proposed way of doing it:
export class CityService {
@Selector([Zoo, ThemePark])
static zooThemeParks(zoos, themeParks) {
return [
How do you correctly consume this Selector? How to trigger it inside a component, possibly via Observables and subscribe?
I'm using the NGXS latest version.
The problem was that the docs did not state that the zoos and themeParks are arrays as well, mine were objects {} therefore got undefined.
This is an ES6 problem but I think there should be an extra comment for such things in the docs.
instead of
return [
I had to put
return {