I have a simple 2x2 matrix:
A = [-2.0883*10^7 , 1.3975*10^7 ; 1.3975*10^7 , -9.3514*10^6]
by using eig(A) I got the following eigenvalues:
(-3.0235*10^7, -9.3132*10^-10)
However, by using some other calculators on the web I obtain this answer:
(-3.0235*10^7 , 507.32)
What should I do in Matlab to obtain the eigenvalues like in the second result?
Example of result:
Thank you.
The eigenvalues at least as mathematical constructs are completely well-defined and unambiguous (except for their order). If the eigenvalues are off this either means that one of the results is wrong, or the matrix is so ill-conditioned that eigenvalue solvers don't always give the correct (exact) result.
In your case you must have misread something:
>> A = [-2.0883*10^7 , 1.3975*10^7 ; 1.3975*10^7 , -9.3514*10^6];
>> eigvals = eig(A);
>> eigvals(1)
ans =
>> eigvals(2)
ans =
That is, the second set of eigenvalues is correct.
Regarding your update:
For 2x2 matrices the eigenvalues can easily be computed on paper. The two eigenvalues happen to be
e1 = trace(A)/2 + sqrt(trace(A)^2/4 - det(A))
e2 = trace(A)/2 - sqrt(trace(A)^2/4 - det(A))
if you solve the second-degree characteristic polynomial. For your exact numbers:
>> tr = A(1,1) + A(2,2); % computed by hand to avoid magic
>> d = A(1,1)*A(2,2) - A(1,2)*A(2,1); % same
>> tr/2 + sqrt(tr^2/4 - d)
ans =
>> tr/2 - sqrt(tr^2/4 - d)
ans =
However, your updated code shows that your input isn't exactly what your example is; your true input comes from an earlier calculation and A
above is only a truncated version of the floats in the matrix. Now, look at the two terms appearing in the eigenvalues:
>> format long
>> tr/2
ans =
>> sqrt(tr^2/4 - d)
ans =
As you can see, one term is -15117200 (exact), the other is 15117707.32088699 (approximate; coming from a square root). Now, these numbers are huge in magnitude and almost the same (except a sign). This means their sum will experience cancellation, and this cancellation will be very sensitive to the specific values of the variables.
In other words, your specific G2{1}
contains values such that the above two terms cancel almost exactly, due to some underlying symmetry. Believe what MATLAB is telling you, your eigenvalues are fine. But when you copied a truncated version of the matrix into a separate eigenvalue computation (just like I did above), you got the wrong result due to the cancellation being only partial.
You gave more specific values of your matrix in a comment:
>> B = [-2.088317534729117e+07, 1.397451196178947e+07 ; 1.397451196178947e+07 , -9.351402807405353e+06];
>> tr = trace(B);
>> d = det(B);
>> tr/2
ans =
>> sqrt(tr^2/4 - d)
ans =
Mystery solved.