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how to read from Kudu to python

I am trying to retrieve data from Kudu. But I am not able to install kudu-python package in anaconda or my server. Can I get some help with it? The documentation on the internet is not really clear.


  • @Karthik, did you encounter any errors? I just installed kudu-python client on Anaconda on Centos 6.9. There was one gotcha with versioning, but otherwise it was straightforward. The only error I ran into was

    kudu/client.cpp:589:30: fatal error: kudu/util/int128.h: No such file or directory

    there is a solution for it here:

    Otherwise, the steps are: 1. Install kudu client libraries as described on Kudu website (

    sudo mv cloudera-kudu.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/
    sudo yum update
    sudo yum install kudu kudu-client0 kudu-client-devel
    1. install a bunch of dev dependencies if you don't have them already:

      sudo yum install autoconf automake libtool make gcc gcc-c++

    2. install Cython and kudu-python

      pip install Cython kudu-python==1.2.0

    Once you have this installed, you can find examples in