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How to uninstall PyXB?

I've tried uninstalling PyXB from my PyCharm and also using the pip command line.

I've tried: pip uninstall PyXB and I get the error msg. listed below:

    C:\Users\NTier> pip list
    Package         Version
    --------------- ---------
    certifi         2018.4.16
    chardet         3.0.4
    click           6.7
    entrypoints     0.2.3
    idna            2.7
    jsonconfig-tool 1.5
    keyring         13.2.1
    messages        0.4.3
    pip             18.1
    python-box      3.2.0
    pywin32-ctypes  0.1.2
    PyXB            1.2.6
    recordclass     0.5
    requests        2.19.1
    setuptools      39.0.1
    urllib3         1.23
    validus         0.3.0

    C:\Users\NTier>pip uninstall PyXB

Cannot uninstall 'PyXB'. It is a distutils installed project and thus we cannot accurately determine which files belong to it which would lead to only a partial uninstall.

"remove it manually" I've looked. It's not obvious how to do that.


  • just delete

    folder C:\Python37\Lib\site-packages\pyxb and file C:\Python37\Lib\site-packages\PyXB-1.2.6-py3.7.egg-info

    then run pip list to confirm.