I want to use BottomNavigation and FloatingActionButton at the same time in Android and there is nothing like this in google material components and also I didn't find any third party library which implements something like this. Attached GIF demonstrate what I want to implement. In fact I want a bottom navigation that one of its tabs has a FAB which placed on the navigation bar and the FAB disappears when another tab is selected.
You won't find a Material component for the layout in your example since it's counter to the Material Design Spec.
Floating Action Button (FAB) represents the primary action of a screen
The example would provide multiple "primary" interactions since its mixed with navigation. I would not recommend using the FAB in the context of a bottom navigation bar. Instead, separate them visually for the user's benefit by moving the FAB up and to the right of the page. Here are the Material Docs for Extending the FAB
Now you don't have to follow the Material Spec BUT you shouldn't expect pre-built Material components to ignore it.