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RHEL Developer subscription not finding repos

I've been signed up for the Redhat Developer program for a while. I needed to do some tests in the RHEL 7.5 VM that had been working with the subscription program. When I reverted and did an update, I was able to get updates. However, I need to access some items via the downloads and had to change password on the site.

I unregistered my subscription and re-registered using new password. Now when I use subscription manager to list repos. It says returns:

$ sudo subscription-manager repos --list
This system has no repositories available through subscriptions.

It seems as though I have nothing but problems with subscription-manager. Is there something that I'm doing wrong with the Developer program?


  • I finally found the answer in the RedHat knowledge base. I still don't understand why it's so difficult to use.

    You may want to clean up first:

    sudo subscription-manager remove --all
    sudo subscription-manager unregister
    sudo subscription-manager clean

    Re-register and attach:

    sudo subscription-manager register
    sudo subscription-manager refresh
    sudo subscription-manager attach --auto

    List repost and attach:

    Execute sudo subscription-manager repos --list-enabled to see all actually enabled subscriptions.
    Execute sudo subscription-manager repos --list to see all subscriptions that are available for you.
    Execute sudo subscription-manager repos --enable <repo> if you want to add additional repos.