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Custom OrderBy on a List<T>

I'm trying to figure out the best way to custom sort a List. Lets say that T is a Object with a date(DateTime?) property and a status(string) property.

I have 3 cases...

"Urgent": I want these at the top of the list, no particular order
date = null
status = "Urgent"

"Normal": I want these ordered by date after the Urgent cases
date = any valid date/time
status = "On Time"

"Later": I want these at the bottom of the list, no particular order
date = null
status = "Later"

Any thoughts? Should I use an IQuerable object instead of List? I can always .ToList() the object later to send to my view.


  • Shouldn't be too difficult, just make T implement IComparable using your comparison rules and you should be set.