I am reading a multifield value which then I have pass to a Jstl at once instead of iterating and calling the jstl each time:
I want to change my code from this :
<c:forEach items="${properties.multiproductpaths}" var="multifeaturepath">
<c:set var="catalog" value="${is:adapToData(multifeaturepath,currentNode,resourceResolver)}" scope="request" />
to this:
<c:set var="multifeaturepath" value="${properties.multifieldfeaturepath}" scope="request"/>
<c:set var="catalog1" value="${is:adapToData(multifeaturepath.multifieldkey,currentNode,resourceResolver)}" scope="request" />
but it doesn't seem to work ?
instead of iterating in jsp, pass multifield as String arrayObject of json in java and iterate over there.