First of all , i have the following specs:
-Visual studio 2015Pro version: 14.0.25123.00 update 2
-Nvidia GeForce GTX 765M (i know it is not in the supported gpus list)
-Nsight 5.1 and Nsight 6.0 installed
-CUDA toolkit 8.0 installed
-Nvidia Driver version : 416.16 installed
-Microsoft Windows 10 64bit
My problem is that Nsight menu is missing in Visual Studio and I'd like to start CUDA debbuging.
The things that I have tried:
First I have installed Nsight 6.0 then 5.1 (i restarted my PC) still missing Nsight menu(I actually can't find Nsight in my VS Extensions and Updates box).Then updated to the latest Nvidia Driver(I have read the manual of it but I could not find if it is CUDA debugging capable).
My visual studio is installed on X:\ drive but I have the following shortcuts pointing to where Nsight is located on C:\ Shortcuts I've read in a different topic I must have these.
The story behind it:
I am developing a filtering program which is not working properly , I have followed the steps the program makes but I need to use the debugger.
At this point I am asking for some help.
I have updated my VS2015 to update3 also installed CUDA toolkit 10 and now the nsight menu is showing.