Let's say i have the following classes:
package test
class Person {
String name
static hasMany = [stuff:Stuff]
static constraints = {
and package test
class Stuff {
String stuff
static belongsTo = Person
static constraints = {
When i implement the view for Person i want to be able to select from a list of previously created stuff. How do i achieve that? I see that, when i use scaffolding Grails generates that drop down menu where i can do that but since i a designing my own views i would like to understand how that is done.
Thank you.
Probably good to start be reviewing the documentation for the select tag here: https://gsp.grails.org/latest/ref/Tags/select.html
A simple example to present a list of all Stuff would look like:
<g:select name="stuffSelect" from="${Stuff.list()}" optionKey="id" optionValue="stuff"/>
This should give you a dropdown of all Stuff
in your database, displaying the String value to the user, but submitting the DB ID when the form submits.