Use case:
I have 10 Kubernetes nodes (consider them as VMs) which have between 7 and 14 allocatable CPU cores which can be requested by Kubernetes pods. Therefore I'd like to show a table which shows the
grouped by node.
The problem
Creating the table for the first 2 requirements was easy. I simply created a table in Grafana and added these two metrics:
sum(kube_pod_container_resource_requests_cpu_cores) by (node)
sum(kube_node_status_allocatable_cpu_cores) by (node)
However I was struggling with the third one. I tried this query, but it didn't return any data apparently:
sum(kube_pod_container_resource_requests_cpu_cores / kube_node_status_allocatable_cpu_cores) by (node)
How can I achieve a calculation of two different metrics in a group by statement in my given example?
The issue here is that the two have different labels, so you need to aggregate away the extras:
sum by (node)(kube_pod_container_resource_requests_cpu_cores)
sum by (node)(kube_node_status_allocatable_cpu_cores)