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How to get the list of attachments (notes) related to an EmailTemplate in SugarCRM?

I'm using SugarCRM Enterprise, Version 8.1.0 (Build 135) (Summer '18), the cloud version and I need, from an external site, to get the list of all EmailTemplates and for earch EmailTemplate the list of its attachments (or Notes), via the API.

I can list all EmailTemplates but can't find, for each of them, the list of attached files, what do I have to do (with the API)?


  • One way to do this is to use the Filter API on the Notes module to get the attachments for each EmailTemplate. This is the only way I found so far, as using the "attachments" link in EmailTemplates did not yield any results...

    Example: POST request to /rest/v11_2/Notes/filter with following payload:

        max_num: 1000,
        fields: ["id", "name"], /* specify the fields you want to receive */
        filter: [
            {"email_id": "<id of the email template goes here>"},

    For more info regarding the filter API see "POST /<module>/filter" at <sugar_site>/rest/v11_2/help


    • In older versions of Sugar (before Sugar 8) the relationship looked different, so the filter there should look like this: {filter: [{parent_type:"Emails", parent_id: "<id of the email template goes here>"}]}