In html code must be 3 ngModel for 4 values that one of them are combination of two values, how can bind two value to one ngModel?
<span class="user">{{userInfo.FirstName}} {{userInfo.LastName}}</span>
<span class="user">{{userInfo.Mobile}}</span>
<span class="user">{{userInfo.Email}}</span>
<input [(ngModel)]='userInfo.FirstName userInfo.LastName' />
<input [(ngModel)]='userInfo.Mobile' />
<input [(ngModel)]='userInfo.Email' />
userInfo = {
FirstName: 'x',
LastName: 'y',
Mobile: '09999999999',
Email: ''
You could use a property and do the join/split in the getter/setter like this:
get firstAndLastName() {
return this.userInfo.FirstName + (this.userInfo.LastName ? ' ' + this.userInfo.LastName : '');
set firstAndLastName(value: string) {
const parts = value.split(' ');
this.userInfo.FirstName = parts[0] || '';
this.userInfo.LastName = parts.slice(1).join(' ');