I'am a asp.net web developer.
I have the Oracle Client 11 instaled to test some features (EF support), but my applications must be in Oracle10 because my customer uses it.
So, if i work in my customer project i need the Oracle10 instaled (to test it in my workstation), and if i want to test the features of Oracle11 i need to install oracle 11.
My question is: How to coexists Oracle 10 and 11 clients in same workstation.
In other words, i want to debug and run my asp.net web applications in my own workstation and simply change the web.config to use Oracle10 or Oracle11 client.
It is possible?
As long as you install the two versions of the Oracle client in different Oracle Homes, they should coexist peacefully. There are just a couple of gotchas to be aware of