Can anyone suggest how to console log the state when using ngrx for state management in angular application. I have gone through ngrx-store-logger but the documentation is not clear as how to create meta-reducers and use this library.
This can be done with a meta reducer, as shown in the NgRx example app
export function logger(reducer: ActionReducer<State>): ActionReducer<State> {
return (state: State, action: any): any => {
const result = reducer(state, action);
console.log('prev state', state);
console.log('action', action);
console.log('next state', result);
return result;
* By default, @ngrx/store uses combineReducers with the reducer map to compose
* the root meta-reducer. To add more meta-reducers, provide an array of meta-reducers
* that will be composed to form the root meta-reducer.
export const metaReducers: MetaReducer<State>[] = !environment.production
? [logger, storeFreeze]
: [];
And add it to the module:
imports: [
StoreModule.forRoot(..., { metaReducers })