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Why does 'neutral' not normalize to '[]' in the List monoid?

The following Idris definition typechecks with Idris 1.3.0:

foo : (xs : List Nat) -> xs = ([] <+> xs)
foo xs = Refl

however, this doesn't:

foo : (xs : List Nat) -> xs = (neutral <+> xs)
foo xs = Refl

giving the following type error:

 When checking right hand side of foo with expected type
         xs = neutral <+> xs

 Type mismatch between
         neutral ++ xs = neutral ++ xs (Type of Refl)
         xs = neutral ++ xs (Expected type)

         Type mismatch between
                 neutral ++ xs

Why does neutral <+> xs not normalize to xs here?


  • neutral will be interpreted as a implicit argument because it's lower case and appears in a type declaration. But you can just specify the module. :doc neutral gives me Prelude.Algebra.neutral:

    foo : (xs : List Nat) -> xs = (Algebra.neutral <+> xs)
    foo xs = Refl