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DependentUpon not working for RESX files on .NET Core

I am facing a small problem, I am trying to collapse inside Solution Explorer all localizable RESX files insde it own main RESX file, I have tried different approaches but no one seems to work, the code I have right now inside CSPROJ is the follwing:

<Compile Update="Resources\ExceptionResources.Designer.cs">
<Compile Update="Resources\">
<EmbeddedResource Update="Resources\ExceptionResources.resx">
<EmbeddedResource Update="Resources\">

However inside Solution Explorer I can see the following:

enter image description here

Of course it is not a big problem for the project, but I wanted to know how can I collapse by using DependentUpon as how I used to do.

Thank you in advance for your time, help and collaboration :)


  • The is likely already an EmbeddedResource item so a <Compile Update=… on it will have no effect.

    Instead, extend your <EmbeddedResource Update=…:

    <EmbeddedResource Update="Resources\">