Search code examples

How to display just "searched" data on the page in table?

I made search form and trying to retrieving data by searching. But before I begin to search data already retrieving on the page. Because I made controller that way already. When I delete that retrieving function, page running just white screen. So the problem is here, I want to see table and data retrieving after search not the before. But troubled about how to do that or doing it wrong.

Here is controller:

public function welcome()

    $estates = Estates::orderBy('price')->get();

    $data['estates'] = $estates;
    return view('welcome', $data);


public function search(Request $request)
    $q = $request->q;
    if (trim($q) !== ""){//here

        $estates = \DB::table('estates')->where("name","LIKE", "%" . $q . "%")
            ->orWhere("address","LIKE", "%" . $q . "%")


        if(count($estates) > 0){
            return view("welcome", compact('estates'))->withQuery($q);


    $estates = array();//here
    return view("welcome", compact('estates'))->withMessage("No Found!");//here

And also my Route:

Route::get("/", "PagesController@welcome");

Route::post("/search", "PagesController@search")->name('search.route');

Also when I try to search, page is coming not as table, but as like this.

Collection {#221 ▼
  #items: array:1 [▶]

If you need to see my view page, I can add it too. Thank you for your help!


  • I solved the problem:

    public function welcome()
            $estates = array();//here
            $data['estates'] = $estates;
            return view('welcome', $data);
        public function search(Request $request)
            $q = $request->q;
            if ($q !== null && trim($q) !== ""){//here
                $estates = \DB::table('estates')
                    ->where("name","LIKE", "%" . $q . "%")
                    ->orWhere("address","LIKE", "%" . $q . "%")
                    ->orWhere("company_name","LIKE", "%" . $q . "%")
                if(count($estates) > 0){
                    return view("search", compact('estates'))->withQuery($q);
            $estates = array();//here
            return view("search", compact('estates'))->withMessage("No Found!");//here