Direct memory was introduced since java 1.4. The new I/O (NIO) classes introduced a new way of performing I/O based on channels and buffers. NIO added support for direct ByteBuffers, which can be passed directly to native memory rather than Java heap. Making them significantly faster in some scenarios because they can avoid copying data between Java heap and native heap.
I never understand why do we use direct memory. Can someone help to give an example?
The JVM relies on the concept of garbage collection for reclaiming memory that is no longer used. This allows JVM language developers (e.g., Java, Scala, etc) to not have to worry about memory allocation and deallocation. You simply ask for memory, and let the JVM worry about when it will be reclaimed, or garbage collected.
While this is extremely convenient, it comes with the added overhead of a separate thread, consuming CPU and having to go through the JVM heap constantly, reclaiming objects that are not reachable anymore. There's entire books written about the topic, but if you want to read a bit more about JVM garbage collection, there's a ton of references out there, but this one is decent:
Anyway, if in your app, you know you're going to be doing massive amounts of copying, updating objects and values, you can elect to handle those objects and their memory consumption yourself. So, regardless of how much churn there is in those objects, those objects will never be moved around in the heap, they will never be garbage collected, and thus, won't impact garbage collection in the JVM. There's a bit more detail in this answer:
From the Official Javadoc:
Direct vs. non-direct buffers
A byte buffer is either direct or non-direct. Given a direct byte buffer, the Java virtual machine will make a best effort to perform native I/O operations directly upon it. That is, it will attempt to avoid copying the buffer's content to (or from) an intermediate buffer before (or after) each invocation of one of the underlying operating system's native I/O operations.
A direct byte buffer may be created by invoking the
factory method of this class. The buffers returned by this method typically have somewhat higher allocation and deallocation costs than non-direct buffers. The contents of direct buffers may reside outside of the normal garbage-collected heap, and so their impact upon the memory footprint of an application might not be obvious. It is therefore recommended that direct buffers be allocated primarily for large, long-lived buffers that are subject to the underlying system's native I/O operations. In general it is best to allocate direct buffers only when they yield a measureable gain in program performance.