Our team is currently migrating from C# 5.0 to C# 6.0 syntax so Roslyn compiler should be used instead of the legacy one.
We have to use "csc.exe" as a part of the complex solution compilation process. Build commands look like this:
c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\csc.exe -nologo -target:library -out:c:\repo\bin64\deb\common.dll @.\rspE0FF.tmp
This command execution takes ~400ms
"rspE0FF.tmp" content looks like this (it contains much more *.cs files, however, it does not matter, this is reproducible on any set of files):
"/reference:mscorlib.dll" "/reference:System.dll" "/reference:System.Data.dll" "/reference:System.Xml.dll" "/reference:System.ServiceModel.Activation.dll" "/reference:System.IdentityModel.dll" "/reference:System.Data.Entity.dll"
When Roslyn compiler is used execution time shouts to ~4100ms Command is the same just csc.exe is called from the package folder:
c:\NewRepo\packages\Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform.2.0.1\tools\RoslynLatest\csc.exe -nologo -target:library -out:c:\repo\bin64\deb\common.dll @.\rspE0FF.tmp
We have to build the solution by sequentially running hundreds of csc.exe commands like this. Total compilation time has grown from 2 minutes to 8 minutes.
Is this performance degradation expected?
Any advice on how to tweak this?
The roslyn team does not consider someone invoking csc.exe as part of its perf investigations. Today you are jitting all of csc.exe on each invocation (see here for more info).
Possible solutions:
NOTE: the msbuild task does this automatically for you, but in your case you will need to do this manually.
You would need to setup the server (duplicate what this code is doing) and pass /server
to all of your csc calls